Reflecting on a year of unforgettable moments

Find out more about our journey throughout 2023 as we celebrate a year filled with heartwarming experiences for over 3,000 local children.

18th December 2023

As we reflect on 2023 at Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm, we couldn’t be more grateful for the journey we’ve had over the year. Through milestones, challenges and heartwarming moments with over 3,000 children who we’ve welcomed to the farm this year, it’s been so rewarding to see the impact of our work.

Megan, our Fundraising & Events Manager, has been at the heart of much of the great work we’ve done this year. We chatted with Megan to get her insights on the highlights of 2023, what’s coming up in 2024 and the joy of Christmas at Lineham Farm. Keep reading and join us in celebrating a year dedicated to providing happy memories to the children of Leeds who need it most.

Hi Megan. How have you found your first 6 months at Leeds Children’s Charity?

I’ve absolutely loved my first six months at Leeds Children’s Charity – everyone has been so welcoming and made me feel like a part of the team. It’s been great to get stuck in and be a part of something so wonderful.

What are the biggest achievements of 2023, would you say?

One of 2023’s biggest achievements was Lineham Farm welcoming over 3,000 young people over the year. We’ve created some wonderful events and expanded our fundraising efforts for 2024. We’ve also introduced and welcomed new supporters to Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm and made some wonderful friendships.

Our partnership with Leeds United, United for Children, has been a huge achievement so far and has provided the young people we work with special memories that will last a lifetime, from player visits to match day experiences. Finally, and most recently, we raised over 8,000 gift donations for our Christmas gift appeal. This will ensure so many children and families in need will wake up with a gift on Christmas morning.

There have been lots of exciting developments at the farm this year. Which stand out to you?

The Lineham Farm Campsite, which is currently still in its early stages. However, we’ve already had some wonderful fundraising activity for the project, including our ’30 for 30’ campaign, which has seen so many incredible supporters get behind our dream and contribute towards making it a reality.

Another stand out is the creation and development of the Leeds Great Walk, which will be taking place in summer 2024. It will be a brilliant new challenge for people to get behind and all for a really great cause. I think it’s going to be a brilliant event for the charity.

Please tell us a bit about Christmas at Lineham this year?

Christmas has been magical! We introduced a wreath-making workshop to our events calendar, with all proceeds going directly to support our work. We welcomed the local community to a gift-giving event where we saw so many wonderful families donate a gift under our Christmas tree before enjoying an afternoon exploring Lineham Farm.

We also organised a wonderful festive family weekend for some of the families we work with and support. The weekend included a lot of festive fun and Christmas activities such as wreath making, a reindeer hunt, arts and crafts, and even a visit from Santa himself!

Lastly, we’ve received over 8,000 gifts as part of our Christmas appeal thanks to our wonderful supporters. These gifts will be distributed across our community, going to families and children most in need this Christmas and helping them have a memorable and magical Christmas.

What are your highlights of the year?

It’s so hard to pick as there have been so many! Some of my favourite highlights would be the Teddy Bear’s Picnic, our Halloween event, which included a very special visit from some Leeds United players, and all of Christmas! Christmas at Lineham Farm has been such a wonderful thing to be a part of and has certainly helped me get into the festive spirit.

Finally, what are you looking forward to next year?

Where to begin! I’m looking forward to continuing the wonderful relationships with our existing supporters and developing new ones as well. I’m also looking forward to welcoming more young people to Lineham Farm, welcoming the local community to the farm through our planned events, developing our fundraising events calendar and engaging more people with the work we do – and the Leeds Great Walk!

We want to thank all our supporters for helping us put smiles on children’s faces in 2023. Whether through donations, volunteering or simply spreading the word, generous support from local businesses and individuals helps us make a lasting difference in the lives of the children of Leeds. Here’s to another year of making a meaningful impact in 2024!

If you’re looking for ways to support Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm, you can find out more here. Fundraising and monthly giving help us keep Lineham Farm a special place for the children. If you’d like to join us at an event in 2024, please keep an eye on our events page to stay updated on what’s coming up.