LDUGC: Over 70 Years of Fundraising!

We are honoured to express our heartfelt gratitude for the support given by the Leeds and District Union of Golf Clubs (LDUGC), over seven decades.

22nd August 2023

As a local charity, we rely on the generosity of individuals, businesses and organisations that help to support the work of Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm, which without, we would not be able to continue supporting the many young people across Leeds from backgrounds of challenge and disadvantage.

We are extremely grateful and humbled by the support we receive, and we’d like to shine a spotlight on some of the wonderful organisations and individuals who make the work of the charity possible.LDUGC

Celebrating The Leeds and District Union of Golf Clubs – over 70 years of fundraising!

We are honoured to express our heartfelt gratitude for the support given by the Leeds and District Union of Golf Clubs (LDUGC), over seven decades of fundraising!

The roots of Leeds Children’s Charity date back to 1904, and as you can imagine, the charity has seen many changes over the years. One thing that has never changed is our shared dedication to supporting the most disadvantaged children from the city of Leeds.

Today, through the merger of two charities, Leeds Children’s Charity, and The Lineham Farm Trust, the charity can support a greater number of children and provide them with a more diverse range of activities – all fun; all adventurous; all challenging and all life changing.

Celebrating 30 years of Lineham Farm

This year, we celebrate the amazing work of the centre, our home, Lineham Farm. It is 30 years this year. 30 years since it opened its doors to the children of Leeds. Naturally, and in recognition of this anniversary, the charity has set itself a big challenge. We hope to raise £30,000 on behalf of the children who visit Lineham Farm to put towards a dedicated and exclusive camping facility.

The unwavering support of LDUGC has helped shape the charity and make it what it is today

With this in mind, and in our first supporter feature, we are thrilled to shine the spotlight on the LDUGC. The LDUGC have supported the work of the charity since 1953, the last 70 years, and through that support have raised in excess of £250,000. Their support has been unwavering and has no doubt helped shape the charity and make it what it is today, thank you. This year, we are using their donation to help develop the camping area – a facility which when finished will allow more young people and families to visit Lineham Farm.

Young people and families who are working through many difficulties will be able to have access to camping, to spend time together as a family and escape the many hurdles and struggles they have in their daily lives – it will enable young people to have the chance to ‘get away’, to have a break and an unforgettable holiday that every child deserves.

Thank you to LDUGC 

The charity is aware how lucky it is to have such long standing support, but also understands that as times change and needs grow that the LDUGC may look to support other charities.  Whatever the future holds for our relationship the team at the charity will be eternally grateful for the support provided by the LDUGC.

Our heartfelt thanks to all officers, members – current and past – and supporters of such a wonderful organisation. Thank you for helping the charity to Brighten Children’s Lives.